The Way Through My Love
Zdeněk Páv

Lucie stretched her hands and embraced Johnny round his neck and she nestled against him.
      Come to me,she whispered.
      She drew the blanket aside.
      The blanket was the only thing she had on.
      Johnny hugged her.
      They kissed long and Johnny started to dwindle.He relaxed and he felt the girl’s soft skin run slowly beneath him.Before long he was so small that he started to slide down the slope of Lucie’s breast.
      He lay down on his back and waited.
      Lucie handled him carefully and caressed him gently with her tongue.

      Johnny rose,sank his hands into the mucous membrane and climbed the tongue.He lay down on his belly and lay wafted on a pillow of saliva to the heart of the oral cavity.
      Rows of teeth clapped with a roar somewhere behind him and Johnny found himself in the darkness.He slid slowly to the larynx.
      He stopped for a while at the border of the throttle.He sat down and with all his body he apprehended a delightful feeling of human warm and wet,the smell of organs and excited roar of Lucie’s wild breath.Having had a rest,he pulled a bunch of mountaineering rope,a knapsack with the bed-rock equipage and a big spotlight out of a small opening in the mucous membrane.He hammered in a clench,bound the rote and threw it to a dark pit of the throttle.He sank down slowly and carefully and soon he stood on the bottom,where the way divided into two windpipes.
      Johnny chose the way,lit the lantern and went on the quick pace.The way sloped and divided into a lot of detours all the time.Johnny did not care much for the trace.After all,he did not mind what way he would get down to the system of slender blood-vessel brooklets.
      Gburd,a fat,clumsy animal with a soft body,rushed from a side corridor.It snorted irritably and ran away to the darkness on its short and funny little legs.
      Johnny smiled.Gburd was not dangerous.
      Several hours later he reached little windpipes.Here he went slowly and cautiously,he kept away from bizarre tissue protuberances,he scraped through close corridors and looked out so as not to fall into one of numerous purling brooklets of blood,which ran all around.They issued, disappeared and formed small and larger pools.
      He liked this romantic environment very much.
      He found a beautiful quiet corner in a sort of oval cavern with an arched ceiling and a silent little pool in the middle of slowly sloping walls.He sat on a border of the pool and ducked his aching feet into tepid blood.
      Suddenly he heard steps behind him.He jumped up and turned back quickly.Several metres away from him he saw a large guy dressed only in a piece of leather.He held a thick club in his hand you could not find out his intentions from his wry ironical smile.Johnny jumped down to the pool and with a wild splash he waded to the other side.He scraped up on the border and slowly stepped back,his eyes staring at the guy.
      Suddenly somebody hit him on his back and twisted his arms.Johnny lost his balance and he fell head first back into the pool.He rose and looked back desperately.He saw two other guys with furious and intransigent looks.
      Meanwhile,the first one with the club explored Johnny’s knapsack.He seemed satisfied.
      Where is your dosh,he asked then.
      I…I have nothing.I don’t carry money here.
      Really.Believe me,I…
      Well,I think,we will have to help this little boy,one of the guys on the other bank said threateningly.
      Slowly he stepped nearer to the pool.
      Johnny was terribly scared.He jumped up and wanted to run away,but the guy with the club caught him and knocked him down.Johnny found his ice-axe and brandished it.The guy ducked but Johnny delved to cavern tissue and he tore it up.Hot blood started to roll in,the opening enlarged and in several moments the cavern was afloat.
      Quickly away,Johnny heard scuttling guys.
      Before he managed to orientate himself to what was up,a powerful stream of blood had caught him and had pulled him into an artery.
      He swooned.

      He felt something creeping on his body.He opened his eyes and jumped up with disgust.A long snake fell down from his belly,twisted wildly and fizzled.Johnny cried out.Probably it helped because the snake disappeared somewhere.
      He looked around.He was in a sort of large room,which was to be felt more than seen,because it was very dark there.Close to him a terrible roar of a beast of prey exclaimed and next a sound of many bodies running away.Something dribbled from the ceiling and a kind of reptile or some vermin constantly wormed on the ground...........
