1989 - the fall of the Communistic regime in Czechoslovakia.
It was a start of radical changes in Czech society and in SF.
Adamovič Ivan (1967) - the first man in the field of litery theory
of SF and horror genre in Bohemia, a collector, encyclopedist, author,
publisher and translator. Editor of several magazines, including Ikarie
magazine, editor-in-chief of the Živel
(Element) style magazine. Author of the unrivalled Slovník české literární
fantastiky a science fiction (The Dictionary of Czech
literary fantasy and science fiction, 1995) and of regular bibliographical
surveys of published books and short stories. Lives in Prague. More information
about him you can find here.
Academy of SF,F and H - Academy of science fiction, fantasy and horror.
It was founded as a part of Czechoslovak fandom
in 1995 and its objective or aim being a support of theoretical work and
national literary output in the SF field. Members of the Academy are the
founders of Czechoslovak fandom, winners of the
Karel Čapek Award and other literary awards, specialists and sponsors.
Academy evaluates annualy Czech and foreign SF, announces and presents
awards in many cathegories.
Bratislava - the capital of Slovakia and the second largest town of
former Czechoslovakia.
Brno - Moravian metropolis, the second largest town in Czech republic
Karel Čapek Award - the most important Czech and Slovak contest for
amateur SF writers with regular participation of several hundreds of authors.
It is held annually since 1982. Evaluation of the short stories has two
ballot stages and is done by professional authors, critics, editors and
theoreticians of SF, members of SF clubs and foremost amateur SF authors.
The winners are announced during the Parcon
meeting. The grand prize is a statuette of Mlok (The Newt) commemorating
the known SF novel by Karel Čapek. This trophy is
so traditionally considered as the highest possible appreciation in the
field of Czech amateur SF. The winning works are annually published in
a book-form collection Mlok (The Newt).
con - an abbreviation from the English convention, an organized meeting
of SF fans. The programme usually consists of talks with famous authors,
scientists and other interesting guests, lectures, film projections, workshops,
book sales, gaming etc. The most important Czech meeting Parcon
is held since 1982. The cons have a long tradition abroad, the first of
them held in the USA already in the 30s. The first worldwide Worldcon
was held in 1939 during the World Exhibition in New York. Since 1971 there
is also Eurocon, international meeting of fans from Europe. The number
of smaller, regional or specialized cons is very high.
Čapek Karel (1890-1938) - author and thinker of world importance.
In connection with the SF genre we should mention at least his plays Věc
Makropulos (The Makropoulos Secret) and Bílá nemoc (The White Disease),
and novels Krakatit (Krakatit) or Válka s Mloky (The War with the Newts).
He gave the world the word "robot" which he used for the first time in
his successful play R. U. R. in 1920. His nomination for the Nobel prize
was marred by the Nazi occupation and the World War II.
České Budějovice - a South Bohemian metropolis, known abroad especially
as the seat of the world-known Budvar beer trademark on which parasitizes
the American Bud.
Czechoslovakia - a small country in the middle of Europe which thanks
to its geographical location played an important role in European history.
In 1918 it extricated itself from German influence but after World War
II it was added to the Eastern bloc and under the leadership of the Soviet
Union began to build Communism. In 1968 it was forcefully occupied by
Soviet army because its striving for this goal was not intense enough
(as a protest against the Soviet occupation Jaromír Jágr wears number
68 on his dress). This situation went on to 1989 when
an unviolent coup d'état took place. In 1993 was Czechoslovakia against
the will of its citizens divided into two even smaller countries - Czechia
(Czech Republic) and Slovakia. Both of them are now striving to enter
the EU.
Czechs and Slovaks in the space - almost nobody knows that Czechoslovakia
is the third state of the world whose citizen went into space (after former
Soviet Union and USA) and so overtaking such powerful countries as Germany
or France. The first Czechoslovak cosmonaut (and generally 87th cosmonaut
of the world) was captain Vladimír Remek, member of the crew of the Soyuz-28
spaceship which was the first international crew of the Interkosmos programme.
The flight was made from 2nd to 10th March 1978 and cosmonauts worked
also on the board of the legendary orbital complex Salyut-6. Total length
of the flight was 190 hours and 18 minutes. But the Czechoslovak flag
was taken into space already in 1972 by the American astronaut Eugene Cernan from the Apollo 17 crew because his parents came from Czechoslovakia.
This piece of news did not, at its time, pass the Communist censors.
Dojiva Radomil (1966) - collector and publisher, the editor of this
anthology. Lives and works in Brno. More information
about him you can find here or here.
fandom - here is meant the SF fandom, of course, independent movement
of science fiction aficionados. Fandom can be, in general, characterized
as a hobby activity manifesting itself by an active approach to reading
SF and keeping in contact by the means of magazines and organized meetings
(so called cons) on the full scale of levels. The typical
symptom of fandom are SF clubs, and fandom is de facto made of them. In
their spontaneous origin in the USA at the end of the nineteen-thirties
economic depression also played its role - for many, especially young
people, they meant a means of an escape from a bitter reality and everyday
troubles. Czech fandom was formed under similar conditions at the beginning
of the 80s when in former Czechoslovakia
began to appear the first SF clubs. SF literature was published at a very
limited rate then so one of the basic functions of fandom was exchange
of information, lending and borrowing books, or, say, publishing the unavailable
books in samizdat. During a couple of years fandom widened its actions
to organizing cons, literary contests (such as the
Karel Čapek Award), publishing of its own newsletter
and many other activities. After the dividing of Czechoslovakia,
fandom refused to accept it, and still stayed in its former extent, so
now it is, in fact, an international Czech and Slovak fandom. On its grounds
was founded the Academy of F, SF and H in 1995.
fanzin - fan magazine (see also samizdat),
the indispensable weaponry of fandom. The term fanzin,
originally from the English shortening "fanzine" (from "fan magazine")
- today accepted even by the authoritative Oxford English Dictionary -
originated in the USA and later on grew over the boundaries of SF fandom,
so now under this term are understood all amateur printed magazines.
Ikarie - the first and most important Czech SF magazine. It was created
in 1990 by professionalization of a fanzine whose name was derived from
the famous Czech SF film. Since its origin it is published as a monthly,
in its editorial board worked also many authors who are now forming this
Plzeň - the Western Bohemian metropolis, a seat of a famous brewery
and the Škoda concern.
Prague - the capital of Czech Republic and also of Czech SF.
samizdat - illegal publishing of printed stuff. Most of the fanzines
and fandom publications appearing before 1989
were published in this form. All printing and copying machines were at
that time strictly registered and under a thorough control of the state.
Computers nor xeroxes did not exist so the texts were written on simple
typewriters and were duplicated by the mimeograph technology which reminds,
by its quality of printing, some contemporary substandard faxes. From
today's point of view they were amateurish, ugly and many times badly
readable publications which had, of course, the unreplaceable information
Simsa Cyril (1960) - Cyril Simsa was born and brought up in London,
has a degree zoology, and has worked as a librarian, museum curator, mail
order distributor, and as the map editor of the new centenary facsimile
of Domesday Book. Since 1992 he has lived in Prague,
where he runs student exchange programs for the Social Sciences Faculty
of Charles University. He has been writing on and off since his mid teens,
mostly in and around the science fiction genre, and has contributed reviews
and articles to a wide variety of genre publications (Foundation, Locus,
The Encyclopedia of Fantasy...). His stories have appeared (or are about
to appear) in Weird Tales, Darkness Rising, Ideomancer, Fantasy Tales
and Central Europe Review. He has also published translations of Czech
writers in Allskin, Fantasy Macabre, Yazzyk, The Thirteenth Moon and Back
Brain Recluse. The Lost Tribe of Prague 6, a collection of his short fiction,
was recently published in e-book format by Hollow Hills Publishing. More
information about him you can find here.
He is the co-editor of this anthology.
Dictionary of Czech literary fantasy and science fiction (1995) -
encyclopedia of extraordinary qualities by Ivan Adamovič,
maps in detail the chosen area. It contains a complete list of Czech fantasy
literature, respective authors and many other useful bits of information.
The indispensable tool for every researcher and also for an advanced reader.